Ensuring that financial statements give a faithful account
of the economic performance and well-being of a firm lies at the foundation of
corporate financial reporting. Indeed, the nineteenth century British law which
first allowed companies to be incorporated through registration rather than
through royal charters or acts of parliament—the Joint Stock Companies
Registration and Regulation Act of 1844—also required these companies to
prepare a ‘full and fair’ balance sheet. Another founding legislation, the UK
Companies Act of 1900, required auditors to report whether the balance sheet
exhibits a ‘true and correct’ view of the
state of the company’s affairs. Today’s regulatory practices continue to aim at
the same goal of ensuring transparency and unbiasedness in accounting.
regulators face a dilemma. Ensuring faithfulness requires the framing of rules
and guidelines for accounting. Yet, a rule which is too strict may fail to
capture the essence of an economic situation when applied in settings not
foreseen by the framers of the rule. Moreover, as business becomes more
complex, unscrupulous entities can actually exploit such narrow rules to fulfil
the letter of the law while defying its spirit.
An early
statement of this dilemma can be found in the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of England and Wales’ demand for an amendment in the “true and
correct” requirement of the Act of 1900. They said, “The word ‘correct’ has
always been too strong because it implies that there is one view which is
‘correct’ as against all others which are incorrect. In published accounts
there is no standard of absolute truth and the Institute’s suggested amendment
would recognise that the presentation of figures can only be that which a fair
view is, in the personal view of the auditor,” (The Accountant, 1 July
1944, p. 2). Following this, the term ‘true and fair view’ was introduced in
British legislation through the Companies Act, 1948.
The Indian
Companies Act too imposes a general requirement that financial statements give
a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and its
performance. Schedule III of the Act provides the format for the presentation
of balance sheet and stipulates principles for the preparation of balance sheet
and profit and loss account. But adherence to the disclosure requirements is
subservient to the overriding requirement of “true and fair”, and departures
from schedule III are allowed if that is necessary in order to give a true and
fair view.
True and
fair view expresses a broad philosophy which cannot be restricted by a
specific legal definition. Rather, the need is to understand the spirit
underlying the concept. The general understanding is that “true and fair”
implies that financial statements should not only be made out correctly, but
they should convey an overall fair view and should not give any misleading
impression. There should be transparency in reporting the financial position
and working results.
But in
practice, accountants take a narrow view of the concept of true and fair.
According to them, financial statements give a ‘true and fair’ view if, they
are free from any material error or bias, and that they are prepared and
presented in accordance with legal requirements and by applying the accounting
principles and methods stipulated in various accounting standards. Auditors
do not take into account whether any disclosure beyond the minimum required by
law and accounting standards is required for financial statements to give a
true and fair view and whether voluntary disclosures are adequate. Moreover,
accountants and auditors are reluctant to deviate from the principles and
methods set out in accounting standards even if there are strong indications
that application of accounting principles other than those stipulated in
accounting standards will improve the presentation of financial statements.
Companies Act too requires that every profit and loss account and balance sheet
shall comply with the accounting standards and any deviation from the
accounting standards should be disclosed along with the reasons for deviation.
It does not make it clear, as in the case of Schedule III, that true and fair
overrides the requirements of accounting standards. Courts usually take the
view that financial statements drawn up in accordance with legal requirements
and generally accepted accounting
principles (GAAP) present the true and fair view. Thus, for the legal systems
accountants and auditors, true and fair view has become subservient to
accounting standards.
In 1988, a
strong dissent was made against this by Sir David Tweedie, the past Chairman of
the International Accounting
Standards Board (IASB), when he was the Chairman of the Accounting Standard
Board (ASB) of UK. He stated, “In its progressive form it (true and fair view)
can be used to replace antiquated laws and indeed outdated accounting standards
prior to their revision.” Regulators might not agree with this progressive
interpretation. Allowing companies to apply the true and fair view concept
without any bound, such as the one being imposed by accounting standards, provides
huge opportunities for creative accounting.
Therefore, it is unlikely that the true and fair view will override accounting
This leads
to a more fundamental question. What should be the bounds or limits that should
be imposed by accounting standards? At one extreme, we may live with only the conceptual framework which
sets out the fundamental accounting principles relevant and appropriate in the
present-day context and replaces the bunch of accounting conventions.
At the other extreme, regulators may issue rules-based accounting standards.
In between the two extremes lies principles-based accounting standards.
The moot question is how much flexibility should be provided to accountants and
auditors in deciding the accounting policy. Too much flexibility is as bad as
too little flexibility. In this, principles-based accounting standards strike
the right balance.
There is a
need to change the perception that a standard that permits fewer allowable
alternative accounting methods is superior to one that permits more alternatives.
If we accept the paradigm that accountants and auditors should be provided
adequate flexibility to formulate accounting policy, taking into consideration
specificity of transactions and the nature of industry, an accounting standard
that permits adequate number of alternatives should be considered superior to
the one that provides no alternative. Ideally, an accounting standard should
clearly articulate the objectives of the standard and stipulate accounting
principles without detailing the rules. Examples may be given to explain the
principles. This will provide enough flexibility to accountants and auditors to
apply the concept of true and fair view and formulate appropriate accounting
policy based on stipulated accounting principles. Accounting bodies should
refrain from issuing large number of interpretations and opinions. For example,
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI)
should stop providing expert opinion on accounting for transactions specific to
a particular company. Although much lower in hierarchy than accounting
standards and other technical pronouncements, they become a part of the rule
book and a reference point for accountants and auditors and reduce the desired
flexibility in formulating company-specific accounting policy.
proposed approach will reduce the work of standard setters and they will find
it difficult to justify their present organisational structure. But that should
not be a consideration in reforming the format of accounting standards.